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Warm and inviting  home in the Garden District. High ceilings, beautiful wood floors, & lots of natural light. Spacious bricked courtyard with a great entertaining area. Outdoor kitchen with gas grill. Electric gated parking for 2 cars. Walkable area. Just two blocks to Magazine St. with many restaurants, coffee shops, grocery stores, drug store and much more.

Garden District

New Orleans, LA


Warm and inviting home in the Garden District. High ceilings, beautiful wood floors, & lots of natural light. Spacious bricked courtyard with a great entertaining area. Outdoor kitchen with gas grill. Electric gated parking for 2 cars. Walkable area. Just two blocks to Magazine St. with many restaurants, coffee shops, grocery stores, drug store and much more.

neighborhood: Garden District

real_estate_type: House

lease term: > 1 Day

dogs: not allowed

cats: not allowed

num beds: 3

num baths: 2.5

furnished: yes

wifi: no

cable: no

security: no

washer/dryer: no

rent: $8000

parking: Off Street